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Thursday, March 3, 2011


How to Write A Short Story In English or In Your Own Language - Tips For Beginners

Find out some basics on how to write a short story. A short story is more or less a compacted novel. It contains the same basic elements of a novel, but it is a lot shorter in length. A short story contains characters, a plot or storyline, a setting, dialog, and a point of view from which the story is told. However, the biggest difference in writing a short story is that it can only contain, one main action. The main character can only go through one crisis or major change in his or her life. Every word in a short story must tell the reader something else; there is no room for wasted words or long, drawn out descriptions. So, how do you write shorty story? To start with, you will need to develop an Idea for a shorty story. You can think up ideas from things that have happened in your own personal life, things that you have noticed happening in the world around you, or you can develop an idea strictly from your imagination. 

The next step is to develop a story outline. The outline will be as simple or as complex as you want it to be, but the more planning you have done before you begin to write your story; the easier it will be to write. You will need to plan your story line from beginning to end, first. Every story in every book, movie, television script, and of course, short story has three basic elements in regards to the plot. These elements are the beginning the middle, and the ending. And, of course, somewhere between the beginning and the ending, you will need to include a conflict. this conflict might be between your main character an at least one other character, or antagonist, or the conflict might be within the main character him or her self. The conflict can also be against an inanimate object such as the weather, etc. 

Now, you must remember that the story needs to move along and the conflict needs to turn into a crisis situation between the main character and his or her antagonists. This is also known as the climax or build-up of the story. Finally, in the ending of the short story, a resolution of the conflict is made. A resolution does not always mean that everyone is now happy and all is well either; keep that in mind. 

After your story plot is developed you will need to develop your characters. There are only a few characters sin a short story because of the lessened word space. Keep your number of characters to a minimum. Some short stories, especially the ones which are written about man's battle with nature, for example, only have one main character in the entire short story.

In writing your story outline, keep in mind that you must keep your story moving along by using progressive problems or complications. These are what keep the reader's attention. These problems are what results from the main character's attempt to win over his or her initial problem. Finally , begin writing your story based on your outline. read and reread it over and over making changes as you find things that need changed. Be especially careful with how you use punctuation and make sure your spelling is correct. 


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Abdul Wali is a Web Designer, SEO expert and Web Developer working online for last 3 years. He is managing several blogs from his living room and mostly works online on the internet.Read More →